Category Archives: Health and beauty

Reducir bolsas y ojeras de manera natural. ¿Es posible?


Las ojeras y bolsas son uno de los problemas que más preocupan a las personas que quieren lucir un rostro radiante, sin imperfecciones y lleno de vitalidad, y aunque existen multitud de productos cosméticos para retrasar su aparición o para hacer que sean menos visibles, conseguir que desaparezcan por completo no es sencillo.

La realidad es que la única manera de contener la degeneración del contorno de ojos de una manera eficaz es recurrir a tratamientos específicos, productos ideados para tratar y regenerar esa zona en concreto.

Además, se necesita ser constante en las rutinas de cuidado del contorno de ojos si el objetivo es reducir o evitar, en la medida de lo posible, la aparición de bolsas y ojeras.

¿Por qué aparecen las ojeras o bolsas?

A pesar de que a nivel general se trata de un problema principalmente estético y suele ser una de las consecuencias de la falta de sueño en la piel, también puede ser síntoma de alguna carencia alimentaria o una alimentación desequilibrada, tomar el sol sin precaución, problemas de circulación, retención de líquidos o factores genéticos.

Las ojeras se deben a una alteración de la microcirculación en la red vascular del músculo que está debajo de la piel, y lo que ocurre es que, al ser tan fina, se transparenta la acumulación de sangre, de ahí su tono oscuro. Y las bolsas son abultamientos en la zona ocular debidos a la pérdida de masa muscular o la retención de líquidos.

¿Cómo evitar o prevenir la aparición de ojeras?

Teniendo en cuenta que la piel del contorno de ojos es hasta cinco veces más fina que en el resto del rostro, es más propensa a sufrir la aparición de arrugas y flacidez. A esto se suma que presenta una cantidad menor de colágeno, elastina y glándulas sebáceas, por lo que es mucho más sensible.

Por eso, la presencia de bolsas y ojeras requiere del tratamiento más adecuado. En estos casos se deben utilizar productos con ingredientes naturales y una alta concentración de Vitamina C, el principio activo que lucha eficazmente contra la aparición de manchas y que, además, potencia la formación de colágeno.

¿Conoces la importancia de la Vitamina C para la piel?

El contorno de ojos hidratante es el producto por excelencia para conseguir la reducción de bolsas y arrugas y unas ojeras más claras, sobre todo si aprendemos a sacarle el mayor partido posible. ¿Cómo conseguimos esto? En primer lugar, debemos aplicarlo siempre mediante suaves toquecitos con el dedo anular, que es con el que ejercemos menos fuerza, para favorecer la estimulación de la microcirculación, y finalizar presionando los ojos suavemente con las palmas de las manos durante unos segundos. Y, en segundo lugar, podemos introducir el contorno en el frigorífico para que sea más efectivo.

5 remedios caseros naturales para las ojeras

Como ya sabemos, el remedio más efectivo si realmente queremos ver resultados es ser constantes en la aplicación de un producto destinado a esta zona que se adapte a nuestro tipo de piel.

Pero si de vez en cuando nos levantamos con los ojos excesivamente hinchados y las ojeras más pronunciadas de lo habitual, también podemos acompañar la rutina de cuidados de la zona del contorno de ojos con algunos remedios caseros para las ojeras.

1. Frío para descongestionar

El frío ayuda a reducir la hinchazón, por eso resulta un buen aliado en la reducción de bolsas y ojeras. Como comentábamos, para aumentar su efecto descongestionante se pueden mantener los tratamientos del contorno de ojos dentro del frigorífico y sacarlos unos instantes antes de utilizarlos.

Además, si algún día ves tus ojeras muy marcadas, también puedes aplicar un poco de frío antes de tu tratamiento habitual. En este caso puedes optar por las gafas efecto gel, por meter dos cucharillas durante unos minutos en el congelador y posteriormente mantenerlas sobre los ojos hasta que pierdan el frío o por un cubito con hielo.

Recuerda que el hielo puede quemar la piel, así que procura no excederte en su aplicación. Un truco muy popular es utilizar una barra de pintalabios vacía y bien limpia, llenarla de agua y meterla en el congelador, así cada vez que quieras descongestionar tus ojeras tendrás un stick listo para utilizarlo.

2. La clásica infusión de manzanilla o bolsas de té verde

La manzanilla es una planta medicinal con unas propiedades excelentes para la piel, ya que además de ser buena para la digestión es calmante y antiinflamatoria, así que es otro de los trucos caseros que pueden ayudarte a eliminar bolsas y ojeras. Y el té, por su parte, además de tener propiedades antioxidantes también es antiinflamatorio y válido para reducir la inflamación y la hinchazón.

Para utilizar las bolsitas prepara el té o la infusión hirviendo el agua durante 10 minutos. Pasado este tiempo retira las bolsas y déjalas enfriar en la nevera durante aproximadamente media hora, y cuando veas que ya están frías colócalas sobre tus ojos durante 15 minutos. Este proceso es sencillo, puedes aprovechar para llevarlo a cabo cada vez que te tomes un té y puedes repetirlo varias veces al día.

3. Aceite de almendras y aceite de coco

El uso de los aceites en cosmética cada vez está más extendido por sus propiedades hidratantes y su composición a base de Vitaminas A, B o E. Además de que se absorben rápidamente y no obstruyen los poros, pueden ayudar a mejorar la zona de las ojeras hidratando la delicada piel del contorno de ojos. Se recomienda aplicar unas gotas antes de dormir y masajear con el dedo anular desde el lagrimal hacia afuera, pero siempre habiendo eliminado antes cualquier resto de maquillaje.

4. Las rodajas de pepino

Seguro que has oído hablar de las clásicas rodajas de pepino sobre los ojos para reducir las ojeras y las bolsas, pero ¿sabes por qué funcionan tan bien? Su alto contenido en agua y Vitamina E, reflejados en sus poderes hidratantes y antioxidantes, ayudan a reducir la inflamación, calmando la piel y combatiendo la sequedad. Hay que tener en cuenta que para que sea efectivo debe estar frío, así que es conveniente meterlo en el congelador. Una vez que esté frío y bien lavado se cortan un par de rodajas, y después de limpiar la piel en profundidad se aplica durante unos 15 minutos.

5. El ácido láctico de la leche

La leche contiene ácido láctico, que ayuda a suavizar y a hidratar la piel de la zona inferior de los ojos, además de tener proteínas, enzimas y antioxidantes, útiles para fortalecer la dermis y curar la piel dañada. Puedes utilizarla dejando la leche enfriar y empapando en ella dos bolitas de algodón que deberás aplicar debajo de los ojos hasta que la leche deje de estar fría.

Si combinas estos tratamientos con el contorno de ojos adecuado, reducir las bolsas y ojeras empezará a ser una tarea sencilla en tu rutina de cuidados beauty.

Red spots on your skin: should you be worried?

Petechiae. This is the medical term for the red spots that sometimes appear on the skin and can cause alarm. Should you be worried?

When the good weather arrives, long hours in the sun and exposure to insect bites of all types, the risk of skin lesions also increases. Although not unique to the summer season, the most worrying are the petechiae – red spots that can be seen on any part of the body.

If you have noticed these little crimson dots on your skin and you don’t know where they come from, this post will be of interest. We analyse what petechiae are, what causes them, and when you should seek professional help.

Petechiae: what they are and why do they appear?

According to the theory, petechiae are vascular lesions – usually caused by small capillaries breaking – that become visible on the skin in the form of red or purple spots. Depending on how they appear, they may be perceived as normal bruising. But seen closer up, it is easy to spot that characteristic feature of its appearance that occurs when blood is stored under the skin.

As for the causes behind their appearance, there is a wide range that allows us to assess their seriousness and whether or not you should consult a specialist. From the least serious to the most, these are some of the most common risk factors:

  1. Due to some kind of attack against the skin: bites, knocks, cuts… these can cause bleeding as they can produce a small trauma in the blood vessels. Even so, this is usually the only case where the level of severity is minimal.
  2. Due to allergic reaction. Whether or not the triggering factor is under control, in these cases, petechiae are a further symptom of hypersensitivity. For these cases, you should apply the recommended remedy or consult a specialist.
  3. Due to medical or pharmacological treatments. The red patches usually disappear some time after the medication is finished. It is therefore important to tell your doctor about this reaction so that they can rule out other triggers.
  4. Due to inadequate nutrition and a lack of vitamins.
  5. Due to viruses or diseases such as scarlet fever, measles or meningitis.
  6. Due to immune system disorders.
  7. 7. Due to clotting problems (platelets) or red blood cells.

Of the above list, the last three causes of petechiae are the most significant and require proper attention by a medical specialist.

How to treat petechiae.

In order to differentiate petechiae from other skin surface lesions, try pressing on the area. If the red patches remain unchanged, they are petechiae; if the area loses colour, it will likely be a normal bruise. In any case, if you are unsure and do not know the real cause of the appearance of these micro-injuries, please seek the help of a medical specialist.

So long as the triggering factor is not serious, these marks normally disappear completely. However, you can always help suppress them by applying cold compresses (to reduce inflammation), taking care of your diet (ensuring you have get enough vitamins and minerals), and applying creams that help regenerate all layers of your skin (those that contain prebiotics are particularly beneficial).



The anti-ageing power of quinoa: benefits for your skin

Quinoa is a superfood that is worthy of being included in healthy, balanced diets because of the benefits it provides the body. What is it capable of when it comes to your skin?

Blueberries, chia seeds, goji berries, kale, açaí… Every so often, new products are added to the list of superfoods – foods whose nutritional analysis shows the significant contributions they make to the body’s proper functioning and good health. Quinoa is also on this list and has become one of the essentials in the food cupboard of anyone who is particularly concerned about the food they eat.

Its seeds have the perfect mix of proteins, carbohydrates and fats (in addition to their proven contribution of vitamins, minerals and fibre). Of all the benefits that are attributed to it, which are the key ones for your skin?

✅ Foods that are good for your skin: quinoa

With clear benefits from including quinoa on the table, more and more people are trying its different varieties and including it in their daily diet. It contributes to weight control, post-training recovery, relaxation, improvement of the digestive system… It is also the perfect ally for skin. Being one of the human body’s largest organs, it makes sense that the skin experiences directly what this superfood can do.

5️⃣ Here are some of the reasons why quinoa is included on the list of foods that are considered to be good for the skin:

  • Regeneration and rejuvenation. By providing Vitamin C, it increases the capacity of tissues to regenerate and heal. It is also a great help in collagen synthesis, which is needed for firm, soft, elastic skin.
  • Fighting cell oxidation. Vitamin E – one of the most powerful natural antioxidants – is also found in quinoa.
  • Extra hydration. Its composition of vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids makes quinoa an important source of hydration. This means it makes an invaluable contribution to the driest and most sensitive skin.
  • Reduction of marks on the skin. Vitamin C helps control melanin production (the main cause of colour imbalances seen on the surface of the skin).
  • Controls the skin’s sebum production. Quinoa is rich in B vitamins, which are responsible for many of the body’s activities. When it comes to your skin, it reinforces all the things mentioned above: anti-ageing, peeling and dehydration, depigmentation, and so on. However, it also prevents excess oil for skin that tends to be red, itchy and greasy.

Eat a diet rich in Vitamin E for perfect skin

Vitamin E is one of the most valuable antioxidants in the fight against cell deterioration, premature ageing and the development of chronic diseases. The skin is one of the organs that is most affected by an absence or abundance of Vitamin E. This compound brings many benefits that, applied daily in the right measure, contribute to the maintenance of a strong, healthy and resistant immune system.

Discover: The benefits of Vitamin E for your skin

Usually, where tests indicate a shortage of Vitamin E, people will start taking nutritional supplements to provide the recommended minimum amounts of this compound. However, the same can also be achieved with the right diet. Before you start taking supplements, try including the following foods that contain vitamin E in your daily diet and you will notice changes to the skin on your face and body as well as around the rest of your body.

Foods that contain Vitamin E for healthy skin

Vitamin E is fat-soluble, which means it helps to neutralise the subsequent oxidation of fats and the production of free radicals. If you need an extra supply of this compound, add the following foods rich in Vitamin E to your shopping list:

  • Nuts such as hazelnuts, almonds or pistachios. They are best consumed either in their natural state or toasted, as they contain a significant amount of calories. They can also be included in dishes like salads, or used to add crunch to meats, and so on.
  • Olive oil. The king of Mediterranean cooking is a recognised source of Vitamin E. For this, and countless other reasons, it is one of the most recommended foods when it comes to healthy, balanced diets.
  • Leafy green vegetables. Chard, spinach, broccoli… These foods are a mine of nutrients in themselves, but their supply of Vitamin E is undeniable.
  • Sunflower, pumpkin and chia seeds
  • Avocado. There are many benefits associated with this fruit of exotic origin that has steadily been conquering Spanish cuisine. It is a source of healthy fats and antioxidants – in particular Vitamin E.

If you want to see results as far as your skin is concerned, in addition to these five essential foods, you should use Bioxán creams and products. Our cosmetics are the only ones on the market to contain a higher natural concentration of Vitamin E. Try them and achieve healthy, cared for skin.



How long does it take for a scar to disappear?

It is common to see children’s skin covered in bandages and plasters, from the multitude of mishaps that befall them in the park, on the street or at school. However, older people also have little accidents and mishaps that mark their skin – sometimes for several weeks at a time. These could be in the form of a cut, a scratch or the after-effects of a surgical procedure.

At first, apart from being painful (on some occasions more so than on others), these wounds need caring for hundreds of times to help the skin get back to its natural state and keep infections away. With this in mind, in addition to proper cleaning and protection, it never hurts to apply a healing cream. But for how long?

Discover: When to apply a healing cream?

Wounds and healing

Wounds go through different phases before they finally heal and the scar disappears. First come the cuts, burns, scratches, scuffs, etc. And then everything else:

  • Bleeding. This occurs at the point of injury. The amount of bleeding will depend on the depth and size of the wound. What should you do? Try to stop the flow, clean and disinfect.
  • Coagulation/crusting. The body has already set to work and your blood gradually solidifies. So it forms a crust over the damaged area of the skin to protect it and prevent microorganisms from getting in. These first two stages take place on the first day of the injury.
  • Immune response. For the next five days, your body maintains its protection. The wound is slightly pink, swollen, tender, and sometimes oozes.
  • Tissue reconstruction. The next three weeks are focused on the recovery of the blood vessels. Red blood cells contribute to the formation of collagen; white blood cells maintain protection against infection; and new tissue starts to grow. The wound starts to fade…
  • Healing. The scab falls off and the injury becomes smaller and smaller. The skin appears pink, tight and shiny (the scar) and is more sensitive than normal. It is important to pay attention to this area until it heals completely to avoid permanent marks. This involves moisturising it using regenerating and healing cosmetic products such as Bioxán, whose creams you can buy online.

When to apply healing creamSo, how long does it take for a scar to heal?

Cutting yourself with a piece of paper, whilst very painful, is not the same as falling down in the middle of the street when skating. The total time it takes a wound to heal depends on the characteristics of the injury itself (depth, size, type of wound, etc) and the person’s immune system. The process can take from one month to two years. As for the scar, sometimes it will disappear completely whereas, at other times, visible scars remain on the skin – although smaller in size than the original wound. Regardless, it is important to take care of the wound through all stages to try to restore your skin’s appearance and condition. So don’t forget to use a healing cream to make the process easier.

Skin care in later life: essential advice

Age and the passage of time are noticeable in all organs of the human body. However skin, being the most extensive of all organs, is one that suffers most from damage – regardless of the steps or dermocosmetic products we have used throughout our lives. Sooner or later, the surface of the skin begins to lose its elasticity and thickness, becoming more sensitive and exposed to external agents.

Consequently, there are specific skin treatments that should be used in later life. If your skin is not the same when you are in your 30s as when you were in your 20s, imagine the difference and deficiencies 30 years later… Getting older does not mean the end. In fact, it’s a time to learn to live better – albeit with certain limitations. Thus, a proper diet, some physical exercise (depending on what you can manage) and the use of moisturising creams specifically made for older people form the basis of the most appropriate care routines at this time of life.

Recommendations for caring for your skin in later life

  • Sun protection. The sun is one of the skin’s main enemies and is the cause of premature ageing and the appearance of marks and wrinkles. This means that, to care for older skin, you should: use a sun cream that protects against UVA rays, walk in the shade (as far as possible), and wear a hat.
  • Hydration. Inside and out. Our water requirements increase as we age. This means it is essential to drink at least 2.5 litres every day and include fruits and vegetables in your diet. But hydration is also needed from the outside, through the skin, with the use of moisturising creams designed for older skin.
  • Cleaning. To avoid drying out or damaging the skin further, it is best to use warm water and soaps that are specifically designed for dry and sensitive skin. In later life, moisture loss is also important. Therefore, after bathing, it is best to dry the skin by gently patting it with a towel and immediately (whilst the surface of the skin is still wet) apply moisturiser.
  • Eating and habits. It is always important to think twice when it comes to routines and vices. But as we age, bad habits become certain risks. It is therefore important to give up tobacco and alcohol, not to become sedentary, and to stick to a balanced diet, with a predominance of fruit and vegetables. This not only improves the overall functioning of the body, but gives the skin a more efficient supply of nutrients as well as improving its appearance.

As the years go by, the body stops producing collagen, and this is what causes the loss of firmness and the appearance of wrinkles. The sooner you start caring for it, the better your skin’s condition will be in later life. Bioxán creams, which are made with 100% natural ingredients, provide the necessary amounts of Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Omega 3, to help the production of collagen and fight against premature ageing.



What is dermocosmetics?

In recent years, much has been said about dermocosmetics and its benefits for skin. But do we really understand what dermocosmetics means?
Dermocosmetics is a discipline that sits between cosmetics and dermatology. In other words, dermocosmetic products are not considered to be medicines, but their benefits in terms of skin go beyond what cosmetics can achieve. Dermocosmetic products are therefore indicated in situations where the natural pH of the skin needs to be maintained, to achieve a moisturising, soothing and decongestive effect – such as for skin care during oncology treatments.
Dermocosmetic products are also generally suitable for nourishing all skin types, and provide intensive regeneration even for skin that has special requirements, or is very dehydrated or damaged.
As a general rule, dermocosmetics can be purchased in pharmacies. However, not all products sold in pharmacies can be considered to be ‘dermocosmetics’. Cosmetic dermatology is supported by health professionals – mainly dermatologists – and it is developed on the basis of clinical studies, and from the work of recognised brands and specialist professionals.

What is dermocosmetic

Bioxán: dermocosmetics for the care of very dehydrated skin

The Bioxán product line was created with the aim of revitalising the skin of oncology patients. Specifically, its creator, researcher Ana Victoria Ugidos, began to look into formulations after seeing the devastating effects of oncology treatments on her niece’s skin, who was only fourteen months’ old at the time.
Specially designed for people with skin damaged by medical treatments, the composition of Bioxán dermocosmetic products is free from scents and additives, and provides care that comforts damaged skin. Bioxán dermocosmetic products prevent skin abnormalities and promote the growth of the skin’s natural flora to the detriment of pathogenic flora.

Although their use is indicated for people with skin that has been damaged from the effects of aggressive medical treatments, their high concentration of oxidants, Vitamin E and other active ingredients make ‘Bioxán Neo’ the ideal range of dermocosmetic products to improve general skin health, reduce marks, recover the surface of the skin following exposure to the sun, and reduce deep wrinkles and expression lines.

Benefits of natural antioxidants for the skin

Antioxidants are powerful substances that protect the body’s cells from the action of free radicals. Emitted when the body is exposed to harmful situations or environments such as pollution, radiation, sun exposure and so on, free radicals are primarily responsible for cellular inflammation and ageing.

When free radicals damage the body, they cause collagen proteins – which are responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin – to break down. This is why it is so important to take care of your skin by using an antioxidant cream that is capable of reducing the action of free radicals and increases the production of collagen.

What is the role of antioxidants in the skin?

Antioxidants are particles that are capable of delaying or preventing the oxidation of other molecules. During the process of a molecule oxidising, a chain reaction – known as the production of free radicals – can occur, causing damages to cells and oxidising the skin.

Every day, our skin is exposed to external agents that cause cell oxidation and generate free radicals – things like tobacco smoke, pollution, UVA rays from the sun, stress, temperature variations, and so on. These free radicals break down the skin’s collagen and elastin. As these substances deteriorate, the skin loses its elasticity, expression lines form, and marks and wrinkles appear.

Antioxidants act as free radical blockers, preventing them from acting. This delays skin deterioration, wear and ageing and helps preserve the skin’s health.

Benefits of Antioxidants

Keep your skin young with antioxidants

To fight against the oxidation process and the action of free radicals, dermocosmetics offer products that help reverse the effects and signs of ageing on the skin.

Thanks to its high concentration of Vitamin E, our range of Bioxán Neo products line neutralises free radicals while preserving your skin’s health and beauty. In addition to antioxidants, these creams which are especially developed for skin regeneration, also incorporate a powerful combination of Vitamin C that helps repair tissues, maintain elasticity and resistance, and protect your skin from photoageing. The result is smoother, younger-looking and healthier skin.

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